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Τρίτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Lauren Conrad Is Ready To Return To TV

It’s been just over two months since The Hills left us with a pathetic attempt at a semi-metaphysical conclusion. It really was a pretty terrible ending – to be fair, it’s not like the show could have had any sort of ending that would merit the word “good” – leaving with a big middle finger to loyal fans who allowed themselves to get caught up in all the fabricated drama. (Dear Adam DiVello, your “clever” ending was pretentious and indulgent. Stick to girl-fights and stop trying to be edgy.) With the show’s final breath, it became painstakingly clear that they sorely needed Lauren Conrad and the show should have been put out of its misery from the minute she left. Well, LC fans, get ready to rejoice because it’s time for the California blonde to team up with MTV and give reality TV another shot.

She’s famously said that she’s “over” The Hills, telling Cosmopolitan, "I've always had another season to look forward to, but now life is a little more unplanned. It's really exciting,” and up until recently, she’s been sticking to her story. She’s stayed out of the spotlight, concentrated on her business endeavors, and started dating dudes without constant surveillance or commentary from the peanut gallery, but now she’s jumping back into the reality circuit. So will we see more loser-centric relationship drama? (For such a smart girl, she always dated some serious losers on that show.) LC says no way. She's insisting that the show focus only on her professional life and that her beau, Kyle Howard (My Boys), is left out of it. The show will, however, feature her roommate – oh joy, another chance for some Heidi Montag-brand drama. I hope the girl had finally learned how to avoid living with insane people by this point.

Sure, she’s normal, independently successful, industrious, sweet, and (the cherry on top) not crazy, which in TV-land translates to B-O-R-I-N-G in most cases. However, with all the crazy “reality” and the incessant drug-ridden antics of a handful of other starlets flooding every media outlet, a return to normalcy with Lauren could be exactly what we all need.

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